IT User Support
Our IT User Support team ensures a seamless experience for colleagues, providing technical assistance, resolving issues, and maintaining a harmonious relationship between technology and business at If.
In IT User Support competence field End User Services Engineers, Service Desk Analysts, and System Support Engineers ensure that both our technical and non-technical colleagues have a seamless experience with our systems, whether it's answering questions, resolving technical problems, or offering guidance. With their expertise and dedication, they keep our systems running smoothly and make sure there is a harmonious relationship between technology and business.
I'm Jūlija
As a System Support Engineer, my goal is to provide reliable and efficient technical support for business users that have encountered issues in one of the main Nordic insurance systems at If - Waypoint. Every day workflow requires understanding of coding, incident management and databases, which ensure the highest level of support for users at If and, eventually, to our customers. In my position at If I have gained a strong background in troubleshooting and resolving complex technical issues, as well as the opportunity to grow profesionally with an excellent team. With several years of hands-on experience, I have honed my skills in managing complex systems and networks to ensure smooth and efficient operations.